FFI-Dependent Module Publishing

Javier Ríos

Featured on Deno 1.36 release notes!

Publishing modules on dotland, Deno's third party module registry, is fairly straightforward. Create a public repository on GitHub, choose a name for your module, set up a webhook and start releasing! It will automatically be reflected on the registry.

Nonetheless, some setups are more complex than others, and it is not always a piece of cake! Let's take for example publishing and distributing FFI-dependent modules, which rely on non-portable libraries; an effective cross-platform workflow is needed.

The aim of this blog post is to simplify the whole process of developing and publishing FFI-dependent modules by offering a comprehensive and detailed walkthrough.

For this guide, we will develop a high performance HTTP framework, using C and TypeScript, built for speed, leveraging the use of FFI to create an efficient routing system. The finished library, turbo, is hosted on Github and on dotland.

Project setup

Since our project has two main parts, the C native backend and the TypeScript wrapper, we will use a typical C project setup, likewise:

$ tree
├── LICENSE            # The project's license file
├── Makefile           # Makefile for building the C backend
├── README.md          # Project's README file with documentation
├── deno.json          # Deno configuration file
├── include            # Folder containing C header files
│    └── turbo.h       # Header file for the C backend
├── main.ts            # TypeScript file containing the main wrapper logic
├── mod.ts             # TypeScript module file for exporting functionality
├── sources            # Folder containing C source files
│    └── main.c        # Main C backend source file
└── types.ts           # TypeScript file containing type definitions

Basic functionality

Makefile setup

In order to ensure that everything is working, we will create a simple "hello world" function, which we will call from our TypeScript wrapper. This will execute the low level C code from our high level TypeScript abstraction!.

Let's create our Makefile. First of all, we define the flags for the C compiler

CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -Wall -Werror -fPIC

We also define the sources and the library directory.

SRC_DIR := sources
LIB_DIR := .

Now, we define the object files, being sources/*.c -> sources/*.o, and the dependencies.

SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
OBJS := $(patsubst $(SRC_DIR)/%.c,%.o,$(SRCS))
DEPS := $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$(OBJS))

After that, we check the platform and update the extension and name of the library. We will name Linux and macOS libraries libturbo.so and libturbo.dylib, respectively. On Windows, it will be turbo.dll.

LIB_NAME := libturbo

ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
    LIB_NAME = turbo
    LIB_EXT := dll
    LIB_LDFLAGS := -shared
    ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin)
        LIB_EXT := dylib
        LIB_LDFLAGS := -dynamiclib
        LIB_EXT := so
        LIB_LDFLAGS := -shared

Lastly, let's define the recipes. The first one executes the matching recipe defined below.

.PHONY: all
all: $(LIB_DIR)/$(LIB_NAME).$(LIB_EXT)

The second one compiles individual C source files into object files, utilizing dependency files.

%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

-include $(DEPS)

The third one links the object files to create the final shared library.

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIB_LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@

And finally, the last recipe is a cleanup task to remove all object files, dependency files, and the generated shared library.

.PHONY: clean
    @rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPS) $(LIB_DIR)/$(LIB_NAME).$(LIB_EXT)

C setup

Now, let's create a simple function that just prints "hello world" in sources/main.c

#include <stdio.h>

void hello(void)
    printf("Hello, World!\n");

TypeScript setup

Time to call our native C code from TypeScript. I am currently on a macOS, so my library name will be libturbo.dylib. Change it according to your platform. Let's edit main.ts:

First of all, we load the dynamic library and get the exported symbols.

const libturbo = Deno.dlopen("./libturbo.dylib", {
  hello: { parameters: [], result: "void" },

Then, we call the exported hello function.


Finally, we close the dynamic library to free up resources.


In order to run this, we need to compile our library and then run the TypeScript code as follows:

$ make && deno run --unstable --allow-ffi main.ts
gcc -Wall -Werror -fPIC -MMD -MP -c sources/main.c -o main.o
gcc -Wall -Werror -fPIC -dynamiclib main.o -o libturbo.dylib
Hello, World!

To clean the project root run:

$ make clean

Main C functionality

In order to take advantage of C's speed, we will store all the routes in a binary search tree, which allows for efficient search and retrieval of routes based on HTTP methods and paths.

First, let's define the structure of a node in include/turbo.h. This will serve as the fundamental building block of our binary search tree. The node_t struct encapsulates the necessary information to represent a single node in the routing tree. Don't forget to add an include guard!

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct node {
    const char *method; /**< HTTP method */
    const char *path;   /**< The path to match */
    int32_t index;      /**< JavaScript array offset location */
    struct node *left;  /**< Pointer to the left child node */
    struct node *right; /**< Pointer to the right child node */
} node_t;

Second, let's define how routes should look like in TypeScript in types.ts. A single route is an array with a handler function, a union with supported HTTP methods and the relative path.

type Route = [
  (r: Request) => Response,
  "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "PATCH",

We also define the handler for a not found route, as a fallback.

type NotFound = [(r: Request) => Response];

And finally the expected route type.

export type Routes = [NotFound, ...Route[]];

We need a way to pass data around from our TypeScript wrapper to our C backend, right? A way to do so is by creating a simple JSON parser in C, and passing the string around. Bear in mind the parser expects the array in the specified format, and will fail otherwise. This function parses the JSON string into nodes and constructs a binary tree from it.

Parsing the routes

Let's edit sources/main.c. We initialize the variables needed for parsing, including pointers and counters. We will traverse the JSON string to identify individual route elements and create corresponding nodes in the binary search tree.

node_t *_open(char *data)
    node_t *root = NULL;
    int64_t level = 0, index = 0, cursor = 0, length = 0;
    const char *temp = ++data;

Within the function, we perform an initial pass through the JSON string to determine the total number of route elements. We will use this to know how much memory to allocate, since we will use a memory pool.

while (*temp)
    if (*++temp == '[')

After determining the number of route elements, we allocate memory for the binary search tree using malloc. The root variable will hold the pointer to the root node, and we ensure that all memory locations are initialized to zero using memset. We add one more element to hold a null pointer at the end.

if (!((root = malloc(sizeof *root * ++length))))
    return NULL;

memset(root, 0, sizeof *root * length);

As we traverse the JSON string again, we employ a switch statement to handle different characters. In this part of the function, we are identifying individual components of each route element, such as the HTTP method, path, and the corresponding JavaScript array offset location.

while (*data) {
    switch (*data) {

Depending on the amount of encountered brackets, we can know how deep we are in the JSON, assuming the input is valid JSON.

case '[': level++; break;
case ']': level--; break;

On the event of finding a quote, we will change it for a null terminator, so that the quote is not part of the path in the node.

case '"': *data = '\0'; break;

When we find a comma, it indicates the end of a route element within the JSON array.

case ',': {

If the level is zero, we are not inside a route, so we have completed parsing a complete route element. We need to prepare for the next route element and update the necessary pointers and counters.

if (level == 0) {
    cursor = 0;
    (root + index - 1)->index = index;

If the level is one, we are inside a route, and we need to extract and store the relevant information for the current route element. The JSON parser will populate the binary search tree's nodes with the HTTP method, path, and corresponding JavaScript array offset location.

        if (level == 1) {
            *(const char **) ((char *) (root + index - 1)
                + (sizeof(const char *) * cursor++)) = data + 2;

We increment the pointer to the data to continue traversing the string.


Finally, we build the binary tree from the memory pool of adjacent nodes.

    return _tree(root, index);

These routes would produce this output:

const routes: Routes = [
  [({ url }) => new Response(`:: ${url} not found`, { status: 404 })],
  [() => new Response("hello world!", { status: 200 }), "GET", "/hello"],
  [() => new Response("invalid request", { status: 400 }), "POST", "/invalid"],
[[null], [null, "GET", "/hello"], [null, "POST", "/invalid"]]

Now that the parsing is done, we have a memory pool with the adjacent nodes. Let's build a binary tree from them.

Building the binary tree

First, we initialize a pointer current to the root node, and we loop through the nodes starting from the second element because the first element is already considered as the root.

node_t *_tree(node_t *root, int32_t total)
    int32_t cmp = 0;
    node_t *current = root;

    for (int32_t i = 1; (root + i)->method; i++) {
        while (1) {

If the path of the current node is lexicographically less than the path of the current node, we move to the left child if it exists; otherwise, we create a left child for the current node and break out of the inner loop.

if (cmp < 0) {
    if (current->left) {
        current = current->left;
    } else {
        current->left = root + i;

If the path of the current node is lexicographically greater than the path of the current node, we move to the right child if it exists; otherwise, we create a right child for the current node and break out of the inner loop.

} else if (cmp > 0) {
    if (current->right) {
        current = current->right;
    } else {
        current->right = root + i;

If the path of the current node is equal to the path of the current node, it means we have found a duplicate path, and we break out of the inner loop. This is not implemented yet.

        } else {
            // TODO(jabolo): Implement multiple methods for a route.

Finally, we return the root pointer, which now represents the root of the constructed binary search tree.

    return root;

Now that we have our binary tree, we have to be able to retrieve the handler given a path and method.

Finding the handler

First, we initialize the necessary pointer and offset variables, such as the subpath and if a query is present.

int32_t _find(const node_t *root, const char *method, const char *path)
    int32_t cmp = 0;
    const node_t *current = root;
    const char *subpath = strchr(path + 8, '/');
    char *query = strchr(path + 8, '?');

If the query pointer is not null, we put a null terminator to ignore it. This is not yet implemented.

// TODO(jabolo): Implement query string parsing.
if (query)
    *query = '\0';

Then we compare the subpath and the current node path lexicographically while there's a node.

while (current) {
    cmp = strcmp(subpath, current->path);

If the subpath of the current node is lexicographically smaller than the path, we move to the left child.

if (cmp < 0) {
    current = current->left;

If the subpath of the current node is lexicographically greater than the path, we move to the right child.

} else if (cmp > 0) {
    current = current->right;

If both are equal, we found the relative index, and we return the index of the routes array in the TypeScript world.

    } else {
        return current->index;

If no match is found, the function returns 0, which serves as a fallback for the not found handler.

    return 0;

Freeing up resources

Since we used an adjacent memory pool, we traded some readability for ease of clean up. We just need to free the root, and all nodes will be freed up too!

void _free(node_t *root)

Main TypeScript functionality

Now that the underlying C implementation is done, we need to create TypeScript wrappers to offer a seamless interoperability.

Let's create a deno.json file to store some metadata for our release system. Replace the github property with your repository.

  "name": "turbo",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "github": "https://github.com/Jabolol/turbo",
  "lock": false

Loading the library

In order to use the symbols, we first have to open the library. We will create a platform-agnostic function later, but for the moment, we will hard-code it. Edit main.ts and update the library argument to match the one of your argument.

First, we export the symbols for the library:

export const _symbols = {
  _open: { parameters: ["buffer"], result: "pointer" },
  _find: { parameters: ["pointer", "buffer", "buffer"], result: "i32" },
  _free: { parameters: ["pointer"], result: "void" },
} as const;

Now, in types.ts, let's create a type that represents the library.

import { _symbols } from "./main.ts";
export type LibTurbo = Deno.DynamicLibrary<typeof _symbols>;

After that, let's add an object with the supported platforms to main.ts as follows:

const extensions: { [k in typeof Deno.build.os]?: string } = {
  darwin: "dylib",
  linux: "so",
  windows: "dll",

We will need to add some imports. First, the symbol dlopen from plug, a superb FFI helper. It allows us to download shared objects from a URL, featuring out of the box name-guessing! Then, the config from our deno.json configuration file. Lastly, the required types from types.ts:

import { dlopen } from "https://deno.land/x/plug@1.0.2/mod.ts";
import { type LibTurbo, type Routes } from "./types.ts";
import config from "./deno.json" assert { type: "json" };

And finally, let's create the load function. If our os is not in the extensions object keys, it throws an error. Then, we use plug to cache and open the dynamic library. This library will be hosted on GitHub releases. Every time we create a new release, we will bump the version from the deno.json configuration file, to match the one on GitHub.

export const load = async (): Promise<LibTurbo> => {
  if (!(Deno.build.os in extensions)) {
    throw new Error("Unsupported platform.");
  return await dlopen({
    name: config.name,
    url: `${config.github}/releases/download/v${config.version}/`,
  }, _symbols);

Building the tree

In order to pass strings from TypeScript to C, we must convert them to an Uint8Array, that is, an array of bytes. We can do this with a TextEncoder.

const encoder = new TextEncoder();

Since we already did the hard work in C, the TypeScript wrapper is minimal. We call the _open exported symbol and return the pointer to the root node. It is important to add a null terminator to the string.

export const init = (
  turbo: LibTurbo,
  routes: Routes,
): Deno.PointerValue => {
  const pointer = turbo.symbols._open(
    encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(routes) + "\0"),
  if (!pointer) throw new Error("Failed to prepare routes");
  return pointer;

Finding the handler

In order to find the correct handler, we make use of currying. This function returns another function that takes a Request and returns a Response. It uses the _find function to traverse the binary tree given the root. It calls the function found with the passed Request. If no route satisfies the constraints, it will fall back to the not found handler.

export const find = (
  turbo: LibTurbo,
  routes: Routes,
  root: Deno.PointerValue,
): (r: Request) => Response =>
(r: Request) =>
      encoder.encode(r.method + "\0"),
      encoder.encode(r.url + "\0"),

Freeing up the resources

Since we have allocated memory for the nodes, we are responsible for freeing it up. Therefore, we will close the dynamic library and call the _free symbol we created before.

export const free = <
  T extends Deno.ForeignLibraryInterface,
  lib: Deno.DynamicLibrary<T>,
  root: Deno.PointerValue,
) => {
  (lib.symbols as {
    _free: (args_0: Deno.PointerValue) => void;

Publishing our module

Before publishing our module to dotland, we need to create our cross-platform library builds! We will take advantage of GitHub actions and build them there. Create a file .github/workflows/release.yml:

Setting up the workflow

We only want our workflow to run on push to the main branch.

name: CI

    branches: [main]

We will use a matrix to run our workflow on Windows, macOS and Linux.

        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}

We then clone the repository with the full history.

  - name: Setup repo
    uses: actions/checkout@v3
      fetch-depth: 0

On Windows, we need to install make, since it is not pre-installed.

- name: Install dependencies (Windows)
  if: runner.os == 'Windows'
  run: choco install make -y

After that, we build our library running make!

- name: Build Native Library
  run: make

In the case of Linux and Windows, we strip the libraries to make them smaller.

- name: Strip Native Library (Linux)
  if: runner.os == 'Linux'
  run: strip libturbo.so

- name: Strip Native Library (Windows)
  if: runner.os == 'Windows'
  run: strip turbo.dll

We also save the commit messages between tags, with every commit hash, in a temporary file release_body.txt.

- name: Determine release body
  run: |
    echo "$(git log --oneline --no-decorate $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 @^)..@)" > release_body.txt

And lastly, we use softprops/action-gh-release@master to create a draft release with the description we saved and the libraries we compiled.

- name: Release
  uses: softprops/action-gh-release@master
  if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    tag_name: "release draft"
    draft: true
    files: |
    body_path: release_body.txt

Finishing the release

Once you have committed the file, proceed by pushing it to the main branch. This action will generate a new draft release. To ensure consistency, modify the title to match the version field found in the deno.json configuration file, which, in our example, is v0.0.1. It is crucial to include the v before the version number. Additionally, create a corresponding tag with the same version, v0.0.1. Finally, complete the release process by publishing it.

Deploying to dotland

Follow the instructions here.

Testing our module

Create a new file, example.ts, and add the following code. Update the import for the one you published.

import {
  type Routes,
} from "https://deno.land/x/turbo/mod.ts";

// Define the hostname and port for the server
const HOSTNAME = "localhost";
const PORT = 8000;

// Define the routes configuration
export const routes: Routes = [
  // Default route for handling not found URLs
  [({ url }) => new Response(`:: ${url} not found`, { status: 404 })],

  // Example route
  [() => new Response("hello world!", { status: 200 }), "GET", "/hello"],

// Load the Turbo library
const turbo = await load();

// Initialize the routes search tree and get the root node
const root = init(turbo, routes);

// Create the request handler using the Turbo library and routes
const handler = find(turbo, routes, root);

// Free up resources and close the Turbo library
Deno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", () => {
  free(turbo, root);

let triggered = false;

globalThis.addEventListener("beforeunload", (evt) => {
  if (!triggered) {
    triggered = true;
    free(turbo, root);

// Start the server and listen for incoming requests
await Deno.serve({ port: PORT, hostname: HOSTNAME }, handler).finished;

Execute the script and test the framework like this:

$  deno run -A --unstable example.ts &
[1] 21934
Listening on http://localhost:8000/
$ curl http://localhost:8000/hello
hello world!
$ fg
[1]  + running    deno run -A --unstable example.ts

Wrapping up

Et voilà! Using Deno's FFI, GitHub actions and plug, it is possible to maintain cross-platform, FFI-dependant modules. Found something wrong? Contributions are welcome at turbo, and at my blog.